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system configuration

When creating the first bank reconciliation for the system it may be necessary to enable the setting BankStatementOpeningEditable for you to enter in the first statement balance for the system

Key Default Description
CheckBankRecBalOnActivate Yes Determines whether the Bank Transaction Total must agree with the totals on the Bank Statement before the form will activate

No Determines if users can type in the GST amount for direct transactions. Use with caution as this could imnpact your BAS report if ticked and users change GST amounts

No Determines if documents can be added, removed, or modified on an activated bank reconciliation

No Warn if a direct transaction with a Reference that already exists on this bank reconciliation is entered
BankStatementOpeningEditable No Allow editing of the Bank Reconciliation Bank Statement Opening Balance
IndependentPosting No Grouping or individual postings of Bank Reconciliation entries posted to General Ledger

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